The study revealed that, 87% had ever heard of emergency contraception, Various Health system-related factors contributing to the utilization of emergency contraceptives, 16% were single, majority were between the age of 21-25 years 15% had attained only primary level of education, 70% information that was discussed during family planning sensitation sessions did not include emergency contraception method, 90% reported that they walked long distances to the he public - health facility that provides general family planning services, 60% reported not being guided on the proper use of ECs by health care providers. Conclusion: It has been that socio-demographics factors such age, marital status, level of education, religion greatly affect the utilization of ECs among female youth, in addition to socioeconomic factors such as place of residence, sector of employment and affordability of ECs. Health system related factors included; place where they buy ECs, receiving of directions on proper use of ECs, distance from health facilities to place of residenc

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